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Fall at St. Ives
As summer winds down and the waters cool, the big Rainbow Trout are back near the surface looking for the schools of fry to fatten up on before winter. Late september through November provides quiet, calm water and big fish action. Flyrods are the rod of choice during this time, trolling a minnow pattern just below the surface. Down deeper, big Lake Trout will chase a spoon or plug offering some arm-aching action.
Fall means hunting season, and St. Ives is a great base for a hunting excursion. Both Mule and Whitetail deer are plentiful, and moose are know to wander the north Shuswap. For upland bird hunters, grouse are plentiful throughout the area. The many logging roads can take you to old cutblocks or up to the alpine, where the big bucks roam.7
Adams River Salmon Run:
The annual Adams River Salmon run is a world reknown event and something you will never forget. Each year in October, thousands of Sockeye salmon return to the place of their birth to spawn in the shallow fall water. Now in their bright red colors, they are a sight to watch as they navigate the river and find mates in the shallows. St. Ives is about 30 minutes from the river and is a great place to relax after a day of watching exploring the river.
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